Complete the form below with the details of your mural and attach high-quality images for our team of muralism experts to evaluate your work. We aim to highlight diversity and creativity in mural art, so feel free to submit your work regardless of your experience or artistic background.

    Prize categories (required)

    How to fill out the form?

    Your name (Required)

    It’s important for artists to provide their real name to clearly identify the sender of the submission.

    Your email (Required)

    The provided email address must be accurate and up-to-date, as it will be used to send registration confirmations, communications related to the evaluation process, and any other relevant information about the artist’s participation in the project.

    Country of origin (Required)

    Indicate the country where you are originally from or where you currently reside.

    Biography (Required)

    In the biography field, provide a brief description of your artistic background and experience in muralism. Here you can include relevant information such as:

    1. Artistic Background:
      A brief description of your training and experience in the art world, including academic studies, workshops, artistic residencies, or other significant events related to your artistic career.
    2. Muralism Experience:
      Details about your specific experience in muralism, such as previous projects you’ve been involved in, collaborations with other artists, mural exhibitions, or any other relevant achievements in this field.
    3. Style and Approach:
      A description of your artistic style and creative approach in muralism, including preferred techniques and materials, as well as themes or motifs you typically explore in your works.
    4. Recognition and Awards:
      Any recognition or awards you’ve received for your work in muralism, such as previous awards, honorable mentions, or mentions in specialized media.
    5. Inspirations and Motivations:
      Information about the inspirations and motivations driving your artistic work, including artistic influences, personal or social themes of interest, and any other sources of inspiration relevant to your creative practice.

    In summary, the biography field allows artists to introduce themselves and share information about their artistic career and their approach to muralism, providing context and depth to their participation in Best Mural.

    Your website (Optional)

    Provide the URL of your personal website or online portfolio.

    Your Instagram (Optional)

    Provide the URL of your profile on this social network.

    Mural Title (Required)

    Provide a name or title for the artwork. This title is important as it will serve as a unique identification for the mural within Best Mural.

    Completion Date (Required)

    Provide the date when the mural was completed.

    Mural Description (Required)

    For the “Mural Description” field in the registration form, you are asked to provide a detailed description of the artwork. This description is an opportunity to share additional information about the mural, including inspiration, context, technique used, and any other relevant details.

    The mural description can include the following:

    1. Inspiration:
      Explain what inspired you to create the mural. It could be an idea, a theme, a personal experience, or any other source of inspiration.
    2. Context:
      Provide information about the environment or location where the mural is located. This can include details about the community, the building, or the specific location of the mural.
    3. Technique and Style:
      Describe the artistic technique used to create the mural, as well as the visual style employed. This can include details about the type of paint, tools used, and any special techniques applied.
    4. Message or Theme:
      Communicate the main message or theme of the mural. What do you want to convey with the artwork? What is the meaning behind it?
    5. Specific Details:
      Include any other relevant details about the mural, such as standout visual elements, collaborations with other artists, or any unique aspects that distinguish it.

    It’s important that the mural description is clear, concise, and expressive. You should provide viewers with a deeper understanding of the artwork and help them better appreciate it. Additionally, it may be helpful for the project organizing team in the evaluation and selection process of participating murals.

    Mural Location (Required)

    Provide information about the physical location of the mural. This is important for the Best Mural project organizing team and interested viewers to get an idea of where the artwork is located.

    The mural location can include the following:

    1. Full Address:
      Provide the exact address where the mural is located, including the street name, number, city, and country.
    2. Environment Description:
      Describe the environment or location where the mural is located. You can include details about the type of building, the neighborhood, or any notable features of the environment.
    3. Accessibility:
      If relevant, provide information about the accessibility of the mural, such as whether it’s located in a public or private space, if it’s accessible to the general public, or if there are any access restrictions.
    4. GPS Coordinates:
      Optionally, you can provide the exact GPS coordinates of the mural for precise location on the map.

    Information about the mural location is important to help viewers find the artwork if they wish to see it in person, as well as to provide context about the environment in which the artwork is located. This can enrich viewers’ experience when appreciating the mural and better understanding its impact in its specific location.

    Who organized the mural (Festival, event…) (Optional)

    Provide information about the festival, event, or organization that was responsible for creating or coordinating the mural, if applicable.

    Information that can be included in this field includes:

    1. Festival or Event Name:
      Provide the full name of the festival, event, or organization responsible for the mural.
    2. Brief Description:
      Offer a brief description of the festival, event, or organization, highlighting its relevance or importance in the world of muralism.
    3. Event Date:
      If relevant, include the date when the event or festival where the mural was created took place.

    Providing this information allows the Best Mural project organizing team and viewers to have a more complete understanding of the context in which the mural was created, as well as to recognize and celebrate the work of the organizers and promoters of mural art.

    Festival’s website (Optional)

    Provide the URL of the official website of the festival or event where the mural was created, if applicable.

    Mural Images (Required)

    Attach high-quality images of the mural. This allows the organizing team and viewers to have a clear and comprehensive idea of the artist’s work.

    Here are some guidelines for this field:

    1. Number of Images:
      You can attach a minimum of 1 image and up to a maximum of 10 images of the mural. It’s recommended to include several images from different angles to show the mural in its entirety and capture important details.
    2. Image Quality:
      Images should be high-resolution and sharp to fully appreciate the artwork. It’s recommended to avoid blurry or low-quality images that do not adequately showcase the mural.
    3. Image Format:
      Images can be in JPEG, PNG, or JPG format. It’s important to ensure that the images are large enough to display the mural’s details clearly and crisply.

    Award Categories (Required)

    Select the category or categories in which you wish to participate to be eligible for awards in the Best Mural project. Award categories may vary and may include:

    1. Best Realistic Mural
    2. Best Abstract Mural
    3. Best Illustrative/Graphic Mural
    4. Best Experimental Mural
    5. Best Community-Integrated Mural

    You can select one or several categories that you feel best represent the style, theme, and technique of the artwork.

    By selecting award categories, you indicate to the Best Mural project organizing team in which areas you want your work to be considered for evaluation and possible awards. This allows for a more precise classification of participating murals and ensures that excellence is recognized across a variety of mural styles and approaches.