Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here you will find answers to the most common questions that our users typically have about how to participate, the selection criteria, and important dates related to the project. If you have any additional questions that are not answered here, please feel free to contact our team through the contact page.

1. How can I participate in the Best Mural project?

To participate in the Best Mural project, simply complete our online registration form and submit the details of your mural along with high-quality images. Make sure to meet the established eligibility criteria and follow the instructions provided in the form.

2. What are the selection criteria for participating murals?

Murals will be evaluated based on their artistic quality, originality, visual impact, and thematic relevance. Our team of muralism experts will review each submission and select participating murals based on these criteria.

3. What are the award categories available in the Best Mural project?

Award categories include, among others, best realistic mural, best abstract mural, best illustrative/graphic mural, and best experimental mural. Each category highlights a specific aspect of mural art and rewards excellence in that realm.

4. What are the important dates for the Best Mural project?

Important dates, such as the registration deadline, evaluation dates, and winner announcement date, will be announced on our website and social media channels. We recommend staying tuned to these updates to not miss any important information.

The registration deadline is typically the last day of the year, at 12:00 AM.

During the first month of the year, the winners will be deliberated and selected, with the results being announced during the second month of the year.

5. Who can participate in the Best Mural project?

The Best Mural project is open to mural artists from all around the world, regardless of their experience or artistic background. We pride ourselves on celebrating diversity and creativity in mural art and look forward to receiving submissions from a wide range of artists.

We hope these answers have clarified your doubts about Best Mural. If you have more questions or need further information, feel free to contact us. We’re here to assist you with anything you need.